Gas SpringGas Spring is used for opening and closing of door and supporting load because it is applied to all fields requiring convenience and control. FREE LOCK GAS SPRINGFree Lock Gas Spring, unlike mechanical spring and general gas spring, has a special function to stop at any position and is widely used for angle adjustment of chairs. SAFETY LOCK GAS SPRINGSafety Lock Gas Spring is a product installed with the locking function outside the general gas spring. The internal structure is the same as general gas spring, but the outer cell is inclined and is easy to lock and unlock. DYNAMIC GAS SPRINGDynamic Gas Spring facilitates the opening and closing of heavy load doors, supports them, and when it reaches a certain section, the forced opening safety structure (pneumatic deceleration) is applied to prevent the closing of heavy doors.
Oil DAMPERDampers that use special oil to absorb shocks and damp vibrations. Mainly used in drum washing machines. MR DAMPERDampers that damp vibrations by using magnetic fluid to control damping forces through electronic signals. Mainly used in washing machines and full-automatic suspension of luxury cars. Friction DAMPERDampers that damp vibrations by adjusting friction with the frictional agent. Mainly used in drum washing machines. Suspension DAMPERDampers that damp vibrations by friction force and spring elasticity with springs and friction agents. Mainly used in full-automatic washing machines.
Automotive brackets are designed to fix the wiring and support the loads such as pumps. Various sizes and complex shapes can be realized by spot welding.
In general, clips play the role of fixing the automotive parts in the vehicle. There are different types depending on the role and function of each part.